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Il Trono di Spade - LCG: Non Esistono Terre di Nessuno

- Card Game
- Fantasy
- Medieval
- Negotiation
- Novel-based
- Card Drafting
- Hand Management
- Simultaneous Action Selection
- Variable Player Powers
- Living Card Game
- A Song of Ice and Fire
- Nate French
- Eric M. Lang
Other versions:
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) – No Middle Ground
Der Eiserne Thron 2 LCG - Dazwischen gibt es Nichts (Erweiterung)
Le Trône de Fer JCE : Pas de Moyen Terme
Juego de Tronos Lcg: No hay puntos intermedios
Gra o Tron LCG - Nie ma ziemi Niczyjej
Hra o trůny LGC - Žádná střední cesta