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Dungeons & Dragons La Maldición de Strahd

- Fantasy (High Fantasy)
- Horror (Supernatural)
- DDAL04 - Curse of Strahd
- Jeremy Crawford
- Tracy Hickman
- Laura Hickman
- Adam Lee
- Christopher Perkins
- Richard Whitters
- Dave Allsop
- Francois Beauregard
- Mark Behm
- Eric Belisle
- Zoltan Boros
- Jedd Chevrier
- Daarken
- Lake Hurwitz
- Chuck Lukacs
- Howard Lyon
- Ben Oliver
- Adam Paquette
- Rob Rey
- Mike Schley
- Chris Seaman
- Emi Tanji
- Richard Whitters
- Ben Wootten
- Kieran Yanner
- Sven Bolen
- Cynda Callaway
- Carmen Cheung
- Jeremy Crawford
- Jefferson Dunlap
- Scott Fitzgerald Gray
- Kate Irwin
- Kim Mohan
- Shauna Wolf Narciso
- Neil Shinkle
- Richard Whitters