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Le Rovine Perdute Di Arnak - Capi Spedizione
- Adventure
- Ancient
- Expansion for Base-game
- Exploration
- Travel
- Card Drafting
- Deck / Pool Building
- Solo / Solitaire Game
- Variable Player Powers
- Worker Placement
- Solitaire Games
- Archeology
- Elwen
- Mín
Other versions:
Lost Ruins of Arnak: Expedition Leaders English
Die Ruinen von Arnak Die Expeditionsleiter Erweiterung German
De Verdwenen Ruïnes van Arnak: Expeditieleiders Dutch
Les ruines perdues de Narak - Chefs d'expédition French
Las Ruinas Perdidas de Arnak: Lideres de la Expedición Spanish
Zaginiona wyspa Arnak: Przywódcy ekspedycji Polish
Lost Ruins of Arnak: Expedition Leaders Romanian
Arnak elveszett romjai: Expedícióvezetők Hungarian
Ztracený ostrov Arnak: Velitelé expedic Czech
Arnak: Uudet Retkikunnat lisäosa Finnish
Lost Ruins of Arnak: Expedition Leaders Portuguese