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Star Wars : L'Ere de la Rébellion - Alliés de Circonstance

- Science Fiction
- Blake Benett
- John Dunn
- Jordan Goldfarb
- Rome Reginelli
- Cristi Balanescu
- Sara Biddle
- Madeline Boni
- Jon Bosco
- Matt Bradbury
- Sidharth Chaturvedi
- Alexandre Dainche
- Tony Foti
- Mariusz Gandzel
- David Griffith
- James Ives
- Lukasz Jaskolski
- Tomasz Jedruszek
- Jason Juta
- David Kegg
- Romana Kendelic
- Kate Laird
- Adam Lane
- Ignacio Bazán Lazcano
- Lucasfilm Ltd.
- Ralph McQuarrie
- William O'Connor
- Adam Schumpert
- Cynthia Sheppard
- Eva Maria Toker
- Christopher Trevas
- Magali Villeneuve
- Thomas Wievegg
- Sara Winters
- David Ardila
- Chris Beck
- Max Brooke
- Andrew Christensen
- Edge Studio
- Christopher Gerber
- Michael Hurley
- Eric Knight
- Corey Konieczka
- Mark Latham
- Christian T. Petersen
- Mark Pollard
- Zoe Robinson
- Brian Schomburg
- Bradley Will
- Peter Wocken