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Descent: La Guerra del Traditore.

- Expansion for Base-game
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Fighting
- Miniatures
- Co-operative Play
- Dice Rolling
- Grid Movement
- Modular Board
- Movement Points
- Role Playing
- Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game
- Solo / Solitaire Game
- Variable Player Powers
- Dungeon Crawler
- Digital Hybrid, App Required
- Components: Miniatures
- Monsters
- Campaign Games
- Solitaire Games
- The Realms of Terrinoth
- Theme: Art style – Art Deco
- Kara Centell-Dunk
- Nathan I Hajek
- Philip D. Henry
Other versions:
Descent: Legends of the Dark – The Betrayer's War
Descent: Legenden der Finsternis – Der Krieg des Verräters
Descent: Legendy Mroku - Wojna zdrajcy
Descent: Légendes des Ténèbres - La Guerre du Traître
Descent: La Guerra del Traidor
Descent: Сказания тьмы. Война Изменника