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Star Wars : Aux Confins de l'Empire - Le Masque de la Reine Pirate

- Science Fiction (Space Opera)
- Gary Astleford
- Tim Huckelbery
- Katrina Ostrander
- Andrew S. Fischer
- Jacob Atienza
- Alberto Bontempi
- Matt Bradbury
- Christopher Burdett
- Caravan Studios
- Anthony Devine
- Mariusz Gandzel
- David Griffith
- Joel Hustak
- Jeff Lee Johnson
- Jason Juta
- Sam Lamont
- Jennifer S. Lange
- Aaron Panagos
- Mark Poole
- Jason Rainville
- Darren Tan
- Ryan Valle
- Vulcan Design Forge
- Jarreau Wimberly
- Sara Winters
- Michael Hurley
- Sam Stewart
- John Tailon