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Pathfinder ACG - Ascesa dei Signori delle Rune: Mazzo Eroi

- Card Game
- Expansion for Base-game
- Fantasy
- Fighting
- Co-operative Play
- Role Playing
- Variable Player Powers
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
- Solitaire Games
- Chad Brown
- Tanis O'Connor
- Paul Peterson
- Mike Selinker
- Gaby Weidling
Other versions:
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords - Character Add-On Deck
Pathfinder Abenteuerkartenspiel: Charaktererweiterung - Das Erwachen der Runenherrscher
Pathfinder JCE -L'Eveil des Seigneurs des runes - Extension personnages
Pathfinder JCA: Auge de los Señores de las Runas - Personajes adicionales